Richard Gottlieb's Global Toy Experts has worked with Gameplan Europe to provide you with the most up to date information on doing toy business in The United Stated and internationally in Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. If you are looking to get into the toy or game industry and not sure where to start, this is an amazing resource tool to help point you in the right direction.
​​With these directories you can:
Contact the toy buying departments in the 49 most important toy markets worldwide
Invite toy buyers to your stand at toy fairs
Send samples or information to buyers
Check which are the most important retailers in each market
Check if your importer-distributors have listings with the important retail chains
Check market values to prioritize your export efforts
Find distributors or sales agencies to sell your products in 49 countries
Understand the basic facts about each of the 49 toy markets
​Important Notification about the New 2021 Directories
In order to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which was introduced in 2018 we had to reformat the information provided in our directories:
The International Directory of Toy Importer-Distributors remains unchanged. All importer-distributors listed in the countries of the European Union have given consent to their details being listed in this directory.
For the International Directory of Retail Toy Buyers it was not possible to get consent from the buyers within the EU to list their details. Therefore the directory lists a generic email address (where possible) for the purchasing department, but no buyer names and only occasional buyer email addresses, if consent was given. In the countries not affected by GDPR legislation we continue to list names of buyers by category and email addresses of buyers.
In order to compensate for the less detailed information provided, we have included the US Directory of Mass Market Toy Buyers in the International Directory of Retail Toy Buyers. This means there is no longer a separate directory for the US Mass Market Toy buyers, but when you purchase the International Directory of Retail Toy Buyers you will also receive full contact details of toy buyers in over 120 retail chains in the US covering mass merchandisers, supermarkets, sporting goods, craft, book and many other channels which carry toys.
​International Directories - New 2021 Editions now available!​
Click here for the brochure with additional information.
This directory enables you to identify and communicate with toy buying departments in more than 800 of the world's leading retail chains. To comply with EU GDPR legislation no buyer names and email addresses of buyers are listed in the countries of the EU. In countries not affected by GDPR legislation we continue to list names of buyers by category and email addresses.
In addition it now includes full contact details for more than 200 US Toy Buyers from 120 different retail chains with a total of 85,000 stores. The US toy market is worth $27 billion, which is nearly one third of the global toy market value. Our directory allows you to get all toy buyers in one list, covering over 95% of the market value of the US toy market, including mass merchandisers, supermarkets, sporting goods, craft, book and many other channels which carry toys.
Argentina / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Brazil / Canada / Chile / China / Columbia / Czech Republic / Denmark / Finland France / Germany / Greece / Hong Kong / Hungary / India / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Malaysia / Mexico / Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway / Peru / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Slovakia / South Africa / Sout Korea / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / Thailand / Turkey / UAE / Ukraine / United Kingdom / United States / Venezuela
These directories include the names of key buyers, contact information and much more.
Available in book format, book+CD, digital PDF of book, and PDF of book with database (by email).
Value Add - U.S. Directory of Mass Market Toy Buyers is now included with International Toy Buyers directory.
International Directory of Retail Toy Buyers 2021*
*U.S. Directory of Mass Market Toy Buyers now included
This directory enables you to identify and communicate with toy buying departments in more than 800 of the world's leading retail chains. To comply with EU GDPR legislation no buyer names and email addresses of buyers are listed in the countries of the EU. In countries not affected by GDPR legislation we continue to list names of buyers by category and email addresses.
In addition it now includes full contact details for more than 200 US Toy Buyers from 120 different retail chains with a total of 85,000 stores. The US toy market is worth $27 billion, which is nearly one third of the global toy market value. Our directory allows you to get all toy buyers in one list, covering over 95% of the market value of the US toy market, including mass merchandisers, supermarkets, sporting goods, craft, book and many other channels which carry toys.
Click here for a sample of this 2021 directory.
PDF of book by email $395 USD
PDF of book + Access database and Excel spreadsheet (by email) $460 USD​
International Directory of Toy Importers & Distributors 2021
Identify nearly 800 leading importer-distributors and check which ones are most appropriate to sell your range. By looking at which brands and categories they sell already and if they do TV advertising, focus your search on the most suitable prospective partners.
Click here for a sample of this 2021 directory.
PDF of book by email $395
PDF of book + Access database and Excel spreadsheet (by email) $460​

​Ambassador to the Kingdom of Walmart
This book is currently SOLD OUT
A new book by expert business commentator Richard Gottlieb that opens your mind to new ways of growing your business in the US consumer products market. Be warned that when you read this book you will be challenged to reconsider the very basis of how we think of our customers, our businesses, and ourselves. Consider some of the questions raised:
Do we really believe that a salesperson should be calling on a customer like Wal-Mart? With annual revenue that would make some first world nations envious, shouldn't we be employing an ambassador?
Do we really think that baby boomers are going to go gracefully into old age? Are we going to try and sell this generation that refused to grow up the same walkers, canes and other accoutrements of old age that fit their parents? Hardly!
Have we thought about what is going to happen when there are not enough brick and mortar consumers to support the current size of our super center retailers? Will they close stores, down size them or will they just go away?